Dragon Age: Inquisition is an action-filled role playing game that was launched in2014. This game has since made its way to the hearts of thousands of players worldwide. It is the third installment in the Dragon Age series which was developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts.
Dragon Age: Inquisition runs on a Frostbite engine and has been launched for various platforms like Playstation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Microsoft Windows.
Although the Frostbite engine of the game Dragon Age: inquisition is hard to mod, but gamers and modders have found alternative ways to Dragon Age Inquisition mods. The mods on this game, takes it to another level of customization and gameplay.
If you are also interested in Dragon Age: Inquisition Mods and want to learn the basics of adding mods to your game, then stay with us because we have compiled a lot of information about mods which will help you customize the game and enjoy the new type of gameplay.
What Are Mods?
Mods is a short term for the word Modification. As the word itself is suggesting, mods are used in games and also many software to modify and change some aspects of the application.
The mods designed for games are very popular among gamers and are frequently used to change some aspects of the game to renew their gameplay and experience new gaming experience.
Dragon Age: Inquisition Frosty is built on a Frostbite engine, which is relatively difficult to mods. But with the use of DAI Mod manager, it can be easy for everyone to make some changes and modifications to the game.
Installing the Dragon Age: inquisition Mods
Source: Pinterest.com
Adding mods to any game may mean new areas to explore and new missions to complete. Mods can change the gameplay and create many expansions to the original game.
Installing Dragon Age Inquisition mods can be relatively hard if you don’t use the DAI mod manager. When installing a mod to the game, be mindful that added mods can reset all the progress you had made in the game, sometimes crash the game and also change the gameplay as well.
To save yourself from losing all the progress of the game, make sure that you create a copy of the game and save your progress in another folder. In case of an anime game reset or crash because of the mods, you can use the saved folder to revive the progress and delete the mods.
Sometimes, you may try to install a Dragon Age: Inquisition mod and it is not working properly, in fact, it may crash the whole game and reset all the progress in the game. To save your progress in another folder on your computer follow the steps below:
- Open the library from your computer
- Go to the folder where the BioWare games are installed
- It will be mostly located at your Windows username/documents/BioWare
- Open the BioWare folder
- Open the Dragon Age: Inquisition folder
- Select the Save folder and copy the folder
- Now, go to your desktop or another location on your computer and paste the folder here
- This will make another copy of the Save folder which will allow you to later retrieve your progress in the game in case of crash or loss of progress
Downloading the DAI Mod Manager
Dragon Age: Inquisition frosty is very difficult to mod, but with the help of DAI mod manager, you can easily add any mod to your game. You can download the mod manager directly from the page of Dragon Age: Inquisition Nexus. Follow the steps below to download the DAI mod manager:
- On Nexus, go to the files tab and select the DAI mod manager
- Click on the download to manually download the file to your computer
- You will be prompted to select the folder to save the file
- Select a folder that is easily accessible
- Extract the content of the file to a specific folder
Installing the DAI Mod Manager
After following the mentioned steps correctly to download the mod manager, you will now have to install the mods manager on your computer to easily run the mods on this game. Follow the steps to install the mods manager:
- Find and double-click on the DAI mod exe and run the tool
- Select the 64-bit mod manager
- Click on the launch button
- A window will appear to install the mod manager to the computer
- Create a folder for a DAI mod manager
- Save and install the mod manager in the created folder
- Now you can run the mod manager and install any mods you like on your game
Downloading the Dragon Age Inquisition Mods
Source: Pinterest.com
When you have downloaded and installed the mods manager on your computer, the only task to install mods on your game is to download the mods from a reliable source. You can download the Dragon Age: Inquisition Mods available on the Nexus.
You can also search on the web for any particular type of mods that you want to download. There are numerous websites that allow you to download mods for free.
What type of Mods can you Download?
Although the games developed on the Frostbite engine are difficult to modify and less mods are available as compared to other engines of the games. Still, there are many types of mods available for Dragon Age: Inquisition that you can download and install on your game. Some of the common type of mods that you can install are:
- Hair mods
- Complexion Mods
- Clothing Mods
- Armor Mods
- Companion Mods
- Tattoos Mods
- Weapon Mods
- User Interface Mods
- Reshade Presets Mods
- Game Play Change Mods
Downloading and Installing Mods
After selecting the most favourable mods on your computer, you can install the mods to your game.
- Extract the exe file from the downloaded mods file
- Drag and drop the selected exe file on the DAI mod manager folder that you created earlier
- Run the launcher
- Run on the mod manager and click on the merge button at the bottom of the window
Carefully following the procedure mentioned in this article will help you install and enjoy any type of mod you like on your Dragon Age: Inquisition.